There’s Life Growing Inside of Me and It’s Changing Everything

I have some exciting news to share. This guy (or gal) is growing in my uterus:

babyI’m over the moon excited about this little life I’m creating. (I say that I’m creating it, but really isn’t it more God that’s creating him/her?) I’m almost 7 weeks along which I know is still really early to talk about after what happened last time, but it’s hard to keep something so important to myself.

I saw my doctor last week and had an ultrasound because I was having some complications. The baby is just fine and growing and doing fetus things inside my uterus. Making it past the point of when I miscarried last time was a big day for me.

So what does this mean for my weight loss journey? It’s not over, but I do have to hit the pause button for a while. I’ve really struggled with this for a long time because I’ve gotten so many conflicting opinions. I even wrote about it before here. 60-some pounds ago my doctor said it was fine to keep losing weight while pregnant, but he’s changed his tune now that I’m a normal sized person. It’s sooo hard to get that out of my head though. For so long I’ve been working to lose weight. I don’t know how I’m supposed to instantly switch that off. I wish I was one of those normal people that could listen to their body and only eat when they’re hungry or know exactly what their body wants. I still can’t decipher when my body needs food or my mind wants a cheeseburger.

The hardest part of wrapping my mind around this pregnancy is coming to terms with putting CrossFit on a shelf for a while. I loooooooove CrossFit, but my doctor (who is very liberal when it comes to EVERYTHING) suggested that I stop while pregnant. He told me I could run for days, but he’s concerned about any type of interval training. I still think there are a few things I can still do, but it really puts a damper on continuing my CrossFit journey for now. It’s only 9 months. CrossFit will be there after I birth this baby.

I plan on eating well and exercising, but instead of focusing on weight loss, I need to focus on creating the perfect environment for this child to grow. I’m not going to be one of those ladies that think they can eat everything and anything just because they’re pregnant. There’s a healthy way to do this and I’m totally on board. We’re supposed to want what’s best for our babies so why not start while he/she’s in the womb?