My First 4 Mile Race (Turkey Trot 2013)

turkey trot

Look at this cute shirt! It’s a size large! I’M A SIZE LARGE NOW! (I used to be a 2XL)

A few weeks ago (on a whim) I signed up for the local Turkey Trot that took place on Thanksgiving morning. When I signed up, it was warm, the sun was shining and I thought “Sure, I can do it. No problem.” Fast forward to the week of Thanksgiving. The highs are in the 20’s and there’s snow on the ground (not much, but still.) I’ll admit that by Tuesday, I was kind of dreading it. My view on cold weather had recently changed from “uncomfortable” to “traumatic” when my husband and I sat through our first Notre Dame football game the week prior. It was the coldest game in 22 years. The wind chill was 9 degrees. I’ve never known cold like that before. I also learned that all of my cold weather gear was purchased based on how cute it was and not how effective it would be in the cold. (Darn it, Old Navy!!!) Lesson learned.

On Thanksgiving morning, I piled on a few layers of clothing, put on some eyeliner and downed a cup of coffee before heading to the YMCA. I had no idea how many people signed up for this race so I was surprised to see the parking lot completely full. As I made my way inside to confirm my registration, I started getting nervous. Everyone I walked passed was hanging out with their running buddy (I brought no one!), and they were wearing appropriate winter running clothes (I was wearing a hoodie over a long sleeved shirt). I realized in that moment that I was surrounded by hardcore runners. Uh oh. I suddenly started doubting myself and wondering why in the world I decided to do this run. I could be in my nice warm bed with my husband and kitty. My mind was racing.

After confirming my registration and getting my super cute Turkey Trot t-shirt, I returned to my car and started texting my best friend like a mad woman. I verbal vomited all of my anxiety all over her. Luckily, she has a 2 month old baby so she’s always awake and could deal with my crazy. She reminded me that I was a strong, confident woman and I could do this. She even reminded me that old Christy would NEVER be running on Thanksgiving and I was different now. Her encouraging words were all I needed to snap out of this panic-stricken mood that had taken over me. I decided not to focus on everyone else (in their cute weather appropriate clothes) and just focus on myself. I kept telling myself: “It’s four miles. Just go do it.” I also said a prayer that God would calm my nervous heart and I reminded myself that with Him I can do ANYTHING.

We all gathered at the pavilion where the race was to begin. I decided to start in the middle of pack because I didn’t want to be in the front and get passed by everyone and their brother and I didn’t want to start in the way back either. I popped in my ear buds (I listened to Katy Perry’s new album the whole time), started my RunKeeper app and off I went as soon as the air horn sounded.

For the first 1/2 mile, I ran the whole time. I was trying to keep up with a large pack of people, but I’m not to the point where I can keep running the entire time. I took walking breaks when I needed to, but tried my best to run as much as I could. As the trail went around the pond, the asphalt path started getting slippery so I opted to walk that part too. I wasn’t about to slip and fall and knock myself out of exercising because of an injury. As I continued to run/walk, I really got lost in my own head. I can’t even tell you what I was thinking about. I was some kind of machine. I didn’t really notice the cold either except in my hands. I had gloves on, but they weren’t very thick. My RunKeeper app kept me conscience of my pace every five minutes. My first mile was completed around 13 minutes. I can run a mile on a treadmill in 11 minutes so I was a little shocked by the time. My 2nd and 3rd mile got even worse with close to 16 minutes each, but I was walking more of it. I really wanted to finish the race in under an hour so I picked up my pace for the final mile. By the time I crossed the finish line (where the mayor was waiting for us!) it was 1 hour and 37 seconds. I missed my goal by 37 SECONDS! At first I was frustrated with myself, but then I realized that I JUST COMPLETED A FOUR MILE RACE! I’ve never done that before! I decided to let myself off the hook for those extra 37 seconds and just be happy that I got out of bed and did this. Old Christy probably would have been eating pie instead.

This four mile run really set the tone for my day. I was happy all day. I still over-indulged on delicious Thanksgiving food, but it’s Thanksgiving. I wasn’t going to deprive myself of once-a-year food. I knew that come Friday morning, I’d be right back on track. And I was.

Did you complete a run on Thanksgiving morning? How are you staying on track this holiday season? I’d love to hear your tips!